Marzipan Chocolates

For the chocolates, knead the grated walnuts with the marzipan and rum and form into a roll. Divide the roll into 24 even pieces. Form the pieces into balls, place on a baking paper and put in the freezer for about 1/2 hour. Melt the chocolate coating in a water bath and dip the balls … Read more

Cheese Triangle with Parsley Cream

(*) 1 recipe is enough for about 30 pieces. Put the flour in a suitable bowl, add the eggs, olive oil and water, beat everything together well, add, mix, knead into a smooth, supple dough, shape into a ball, rest under a hot rinsed baking dish at room temperature for about thirty min. Filling: mix … Read more

Vegan Egg Dish

First, heat the oil and fry the tofu in it. Pick well with a fork. Season with turmeric, salt and pepper. If desired, serve sprinkled with chopped chives.

Fillet of Lemon Sole in Mustard Foam

Grease a shallow gratin dish with butter. Cut the leek into fine strips (or rings). Spread evenly with the shallots in the gratin dish. Sprinkle marjoram and thyme on top. Rinse the lemon sole fillets with water, dry them, season with pepper, season with salt, wrap them skin side in and place them on the … Read more

Okra-Pilaw – Bhindi Pullao

A bean recipe for every taste: Okra pilaf tastes good first and is easy to make second. The crispy fried okras are added to the already cooked and seasoned long grain rice. However, you can equally arrange them around the long grain rice. Except for cumin, the spices are not meant to be eaten with … Read more

Cocktail From Büsum Crabs

Stir the mayonnaise together with the cream yogurt, liquid mustard, ketchup, whipped cream, horseradish, pineapple juice and sherry to a smooth sauce. Then season everything together with Worchestersauce, brandy, salt, red wine and Tabasco. After making the cocktail sauce, it is best to keep it in the refrigerator. The sauce can also be cooked the … Read more

Cabbage Rolls with Rosemary Potatoes

Cabbage rolls: Blanch 8 cabbage leaves, cool and lay out. Mix minced meat with onion juice, salt, pepper, mustard, eggs and basil, spread evenly on the leaves and roll up. If necessary, hold together with a thin thread or staples. Roast well on both sides in hot clarified butter, then cook at low temperature for … Read more

Cauliflower and Orange Salad with Quail Eggs

1. rinse the cauliflower, clean and cut into roses. Make 7 min in enough salted water, then drain on a colander. 2. for the salad dressing, cut the peppers in half lengthwise, clean, rinse and finely dice. Wash 1 orange under hot water, pat dry and finely grate, then squeeze. Stir through orange juice, pepper, … Read more

Lime Blossom Punch

Put the lime blossoms and the sugar in the Sylvaner and infuse for 120 minutes. Filter, bottle and fill up with the Cremant as well as the mineral water according to your mood. The punch should be drunk within a few days.

Rice Salad with Monkfish and Porcini Mushrooms

For the rice salad with monkfish and porcini mushrooms, first cook Riso Gallo Risotto Pronto porcini mushrooms according to package instructions (as indicated in points 1 and 2). Then rinse with cold water and set aside in a bowl. Cut the monkfish into cubes and fry in a pan with olive oil, half of the … Read more