Egyptian Ful Medames

For the ful medames, soak the brown beans overnight. The next day, simmer gently on low heat for 45 minutes. In the meantime, chop the onions and the clove of garlic and fry them in a little butter until golden brown. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces or roughly grate them cut into halves. This … Read more

Iced Cambozola Pear Sauce with Gingerbread Souffle

Try this delicious cake recipe: Cut pear into small pieces, cook until soft with sugar, white wine and juice of one lemon, mash with cambozola and spread through a sieve, flavor with pear brandy and put to cool. Whip butter and sugar until creamy, gradually stir in egg yolks and cooking chocolate. Add gingerbread shavings, … Read more

Strawberries in Almond Paste

For the sauce, rinse, clean and halve the strawberries. Crush with the sugar and set aside. For the dough, whisk the milk, almond kernels, flour and egg yolks until smooth. Melt the butter and stir it in. Whip the egg whites with the salt until stiff. Next, gradually sift in the sugar while stirring and … Read more

Tarte Flambée with Tuna

For the tarte flambée with tuna, first prepare the dough. For this, mix flour with water, salt and oil and then knead into a dough. Let rest briefly. In the meantime, cut the onion into fine rings, drain and chop the tuna. Now roll out the dough thinly, spread with crème fraiche, top with onion … Read more

Lemon Sheet Cake

For the lemon sheet cake, squeeze the lemons and grate the zest. Put both in a food processor with sugar, butter, flour, eggs, baking powder and honey and mix to a dough. Preheat the oven to 160 °C, line a baking tray with baking paper and spread the dough evenly on it. Bake for 25 … Read more

Cod, Redfish, Hake or Gilthead Bream Wroclaw Style

Wash fillets, dry, sprinkle with juice of one lemon, sprinkle with spices, then put to cool for half an hour. Rinse, blanch and skin the tomatoes. Rinse, peel, halve and core the apples and cut them into eighths together with the tomatoes. Dust the fish fillets with flour, brown them on both sides in hot … Read more

Iced Coffee

Whip the cream until stiff, adding the vanilla sugar. Divide vanilla ice cream among four iced coffee glasses. Pour the coffee over it and sprinkle with cinnamon. Finally, cover with whipped cream and grate chocolate over the top.

Papaya Salad in a Bun

Peel and core the papaya, cut into fine strips (julienne slicer). Cut the snow peas, corn on the cob and carambola into small pieces. Mix everything and leave to cool with the lid closed. Stir the ingredients for the sauce together and leave to cool. Cut the top off the rolls and hollow them out … Read more

Beetroot Drink

Cut the peeled pineapple and beet tuber into pieces, put a few pineapple pieces aside for decoration and stick them on a wooden skewer. Juice the remaining pieces in a juicer. Chop the parsley very finely except for a few nice leaves and mix it with the sea buckthorn juice into the cocktail. Decorate with … Read more

Turtle Brioche

For the turtle brioche, first knead the condensed milk, milk, egg, egg white, flour, yeast, sugar and salt. Then knead in the butter. If the mixture is still too wet, add a little more flour. Cover and let rise in a greased bowl for at least 1 hour. Line 1-2 baking sheets with baking paper. … Read more