Apple Banana Cake

Rating: 3.1786 / 5.00 (28 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



For the apple banana cake, core the apples and grate finely with a grater. Put them in a sieve and let them drain. Blend the eggs with the coconut blossom syrup and the banana.

Mix the whole wheat flour with the baking powder well. Grease a loaf pan or small bread pan and sprinkle with hazelnuts. Add remaining hazelnuts to flour, add spices as well.

Then squeeze the grated apples firmly and mix them into the liquid mixture, mix in the dry ingredients and pour everything into the mold.

Bake at 160 degrees hot air for about 1 hour.

Preparation Tip:

If you like, you can cover the apple banana cake with chocolate icing. Also a few chopped nuts in the dough give it something crunchy.

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