Artichoke Gröstl with Olive and Potato Puree and Green Beans

Rating: 3.5849 / 5.00 (53 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)




For the artichoke gröstl with olive and potato puree and green beans, dip the tomatoes briefly in boiling water, peel, remove the seeds and cut into small cubes. Boil the green beans briefly in salted water until firm to the bite. Rinse and drain. Remove stems from artichokes, cut away outer leaves and scrape out hay. Immediately rub with a lemon to prevent the artichokes from turning brown.

Boil salted water with flour and a little lemon juice and cook the artichokes in it for 10-25 minutes (depending on size) until al dente. Cut into wedges, finely chop shallots and sauté in olive oil until light. Add artichokes and runner beans, sauté briefly and add diced tomatoes. Season with crushed garlic and a pinch each of sage, thyme, cumin, salt and pepper.

For the olive-potato puree, first boil the peeled potatoes, let them steam briefly and press them through a potato press. Mix with hot milk and butter and season with salt and nutmeg. Pit olives, chop very finely and mix with the mashed potatoes.

Arrange artichoke gröstl with olive and potato puree in preheated soup plates. Briefly boil vegetable stock, add crème fraîche (with a hand blender) and butter and drizzle over the top.

Preparation Tip:

To make the artichokes lose any bitter taste they may have, always add a little flour and lemon juice to the cooking water.

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