Asparagus Terrine with Spring Salads

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



A delicious recipe for the asparagus season:

Cook the asparagus in salted water until tender and cut into pieces, set aside 1 and a quarter dl of asparagus stock. Briefly steam the asparagus sections in butter until soft. Dust with flour and add about 1 dl asparagus stock.

Boil the liquid to half, add the heavy cream and season with salt, cayenne pepper and juice of one lemon. Blend everything together with a hand blender and pass through a sieve.

Soak the gelatine in cold water. Beat the yolks with the remaining 1/4-dl asparagus stock in a water bath and bind the asparagus mixture with it. Squeeze the gelatine leaves well and let them melt in the warm mixture. Then stir in the butter pieces with a hand blender.

Pour the asparagus mixture into a small 500 g casserole dish lined with cling film and leave to cool overnight.


Cut the asparagus terrine into slices and arrange on plates.

Garnish with spring salads. It goes very well with a dill sauce made of crème fraîche, cream, a little salt, asparagus stock, pepper, juice of a lemon and dill.

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