Beef Sulz

Rating: 3.566 / 5.00 (53 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 11.0 (servings)



Simmer beef and vegetables briefly in the strong beef stock. Season to taste, stir in soaked and squeezed gelatin (or strong rind stock) and cool well. Before stocking, add the fresh herbs. Line a loaf pan, dish or portion mold with oil and line with plastic wrap. Pour in the brawn and spread evenly, refrigerate for several hours. Then turn out of the mold and portion.

Preparation Tip:

Cut the sulz with an electric knife and dress the same with salad as well as vinaigrette and chopped hard eggs. Boiled boiled beef is used for the especially fine Tafelspitzsulz. Venison, deer or venison brawn is prepared according to the same recipe, only instead of beef, venison is used and instead of beef broth, a strong game broth is used. Like other sulz, venison sulz tastes especially fine when served with a spicy vinaigrette as well as onion rings and paprika cubes.

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