Braised Poularde with Cardamom, Honey & Oranges

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. In the meantime, peel the onions, which you then cut into rough cubes.

Grate the peel of the orange. Put the honey in a suitable bowl and mix it with the ground cardamom, the grated orange peel, the curry, salt and sesame oil to make a paste. Rub the poultry well with it, inside and out, preferably with your hands, otherwise with a pastry brush).

Squeeze the orange juice, pour it over the onions and let the juice soak for five min. Now fill the poularde with the onion cubes and put it in a fireproof high roasting pan or in a roaster, Roman pot works just as well). It is steamed in the oven for about an hour. In between, it should be doused with plum wine every now and then.

Remove the finished poularde from the roaster and keep it warm. Cut the Chinese cabbage into small pieces and sauté it briefly in the meat juices of the roasting pan.

In this way it absorbs the delicious sauces flavor. If necessary, add a little plum wine.

Cut the poultry into pieces and serve each unit together with a little Chinese cabbage. As a side dish, long-grain rice tastes excellent, but also completely un-Asian flatbread fits perfectly.

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