Cabbage Rolls with Potato-Apple Puree

Rating: 3.4872 / 5.00 (78 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour


For the filling:

For the puree:


For the filling, cook the millet in 150 ml of vegetable soup on low heat for about 30 minutes until soft. During this time, similar to the preparation of risotto, gradually add the remaining soup (350 ml), as the millet absorbs a lot of liquid. Cover and keep warm.

Cut out the lower end of each thick stalk of the cabbage leaves in a triangular shape and blanch the leaves in boiling salted water. After about 2 minutes, quench in ice water. Chop remaining cabbage into small pieces.

For the filling, peel and finely dice parsnips and shallots. Melt butter in a pan, add shallots and sauté until translucent. Add parsnip cubes and sauté briefly. Pour in water until vegetables are covered and simmer gently.

After about 5 minutes, add the chopped cabbage and simmer everything until soft, about another 10 minutes.

Stir in millet and season the filling with salt, pepper, nutmeg and cinnamon to taste.

Preheat the oven to 180 °C.

Carefully spread out the cabbage leaves on the work surface and spread about 1 tablespoon of the filling on each. Roll up cabbage leaves from the bottom to form roulades and tie with kitchen twine (alternatively, pin with toothpicks).

Grease a baking dish with butter and place the roulades close together. Mix the rest of the vegetable soup with apple juice and pour it over the roulades.

Cover the casserole dish (with a lid or aluminum foil) and let it simmer in the preheated oven for 20-30 minutes.

In the meantime, prepare the

Preparation Tip:

For heartier roulades, after about 20 minutes, sprinkle coarsely grated cheese of choice on top of roulades and gratinate for another 10 minutes.

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