Cheese Triangle with Parsley Cream

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



Parsley cream:


(*) 1 recipe is enough for about 30 pieces.

Put the flour in a suitable bowl, add the eggs, olive oil and water, beat everything together well, add, mix, knead into a smooth, supple dough, shape into a ball, rest under a hot rinsed baking dish at room temperature for about thirty min.

Filling: mix soft cheese, pine nuts, flat-leaf parsley, herb salt and little pepper.

Form triangles: Divide dough in half, set half aside with lid closed. Roll out the other half on a little flour to a rectangle of about 27×45 cm. While doing so, keep loosening dough from the surface, dusting it with a little flour. Cut the dough into squares of about 9 cm. Spread half of the filling evenly in the middle of the squares, brush the edges of the dough all around with water. Place dough across filling to form triangles. Press edges together, squeezing out trapped air. Continue in this manner until dough and filling are used up. Repeat the process.

Make triangles: cook in batches in barely boiling salted water for about ten minutes, remove, drain, keep warm.

Parsley cream: put flat-leaf parsley in a suitable bowl, add cream, whip together until stiff, season with herb salt and a little pepper, serve with the cheese triangles.

Our tip: As an alternative to fresh herbs, you can also use frozen ones – these are also characterized by a f

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