Cherry Soup with Frog Eyes and Curd Dumplings

Rating: 4.5 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min




Strain the morello cherries, drain and transfer to a saucepan, add strawberry syrup and water and bring to a boil. Grate ginger into the soup and once it boils, add pearl sago to bind and continue to simmer. If needed, sweeten the soup with a tiny bit of sugar.


Place the curd in a kitchen towel and squeeze out the liquid extensively to make it very dry. Grate the peel of a lemon. Then mix well with breadcrumbs, one egg yolk, sugar and lemon zest. Form the curd mixture into small dumplings and poach them in boiling hot water.

Divide the cherry soup evenly among plates and bring to the table with one curd dumpling each.

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