Crema Catalana Meuth-Duttenhofer

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Bring milk and whipping cream to a boil, add vanilla and cinnamon stick and simmer for ten minutes. Take out the vanilla pod, slit lengthwise, scrape out the pulp and stir into the cream milk. Remove the cinnamon stick. Melt half of the sugar in the hot cream milk. Beat eggs and egg yolks in a baking bowl with a whisk until thick and creamy, adding the remaining sugar. Only when the sugar is no longer crunching, add the boiling hot creamed milk slowly while whisking continuously.

Finally, pour everything together back into the saucepan and, continuing to stir constantly – in the meantime, it is better to use a wooden spoon – heat over medium fire and bubble once, but in any case do not do it properly, because otherwise the egg yolks will curdle. The cream has the right consistency when it coats the wooden spoon thickly.

Remove the saucepan from the fire and – to make sure that the cream cools down on the spot – place the saucepan in cold water. Continue stirring until the danger of the cream curdling has passed.

Divide the quantity evenly into serving dishes. Cool, then cover with plastic wrap. Place the pots in the refrigerator to cool until ready to serve.

For the caramel layer, spread the sugar evenly as a very thin layer on the surface of each ramekin. Either under the red-hot broiler, or possibly with the help of a gas burner.

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