Cuban Sandwiches

Rating: 4.1429 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Preheat kitchen stove to 200 °C.

Crush garlic with salt to a paste. Stir in cumin and pepper. Rub meat with garlic paste and place in a small ovenproof container. Cook in stove for 20 to 22 min until done.

Wrap meat in aluminum foil and rest for 15 min. Later cut into slices as narrow as possible.

Layer pork, bell pepper pickles and cheese between two slices of bread each. Heat some olive oil in a heavy coated frying pan. Pour in two sandwiches, place aluminum foil on top, then weigh down with a second frying pan and layer one or two tin cans on top, if possible. [I used the bottom of a tart springform pan, without aluminum foil, plus tin cans. I guess this is the moment for the sandwich grill – Petra].

Toast 3 to 7 min until sandwiches are browned, then turn to other side and toast another 2-5 min [5 and 2 was okay with me].

Warm sandwiches on a plate in the stove and cook the other two the same way. Cut sandwiches in half and bring to table on the spot.

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