Drizzled Chocolate Dumpling on Orange Salad

Rating: 3.8182 / 5.00 (11 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Knead potato dough with cocoa powder and pull, roll out on semolina, wrap truffle balls and pull in sugar water. Fillet oranges set aside. Caramelize sugar with butter and extinguish juice add kounquat slices. Mix maizena (cornstarch) with a little water and thicken the sauce with it. Season with orange liqueur. Add orange fillets and infuse. Arrange in soup plates warm orange salad evenly, put dumplings in the middle and sprinkle with chocolate chips and red berries.

Tip: Feel free to use better chocolate – the more delicious the result!

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