Egyptian Cinnamon Cake

Rating: 2.625 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Dough I:

Dough Ii:

Dough Iii:



On low heat, melt chocolate in coffee and stir mixture until smooth.

Beat butter until creamy, fold in sugar, eggs beaten one at a time with cream. Stir dough part I + Ii. Fold in bp, flour, cinnamon & cloves, milk.

Bake two layers, cake springform pan 20 cm, 175 degrees , each 20 min. Cold assemble with whipped cream (with Pz u. Cinnamon).

To keep the cake longer, the whipped cream can be whipped completely stiff with soaked gelatin.

Tip: Do you prefer milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Depending on the case, use whichever tastes better to you.

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