Eifel Saddle of Venison in Chestnut Pancake on Grafschafter Rübenkrautjus with Truffled

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

For the saddle of venison:

For The Chestnut Pancakes:

For The Potato Terrine:

For The Poultry Farce:


Fry the bones well in lard in a roasting pan, then add the diced onion, celery and carrot and fry briefly. Add more spices and paradeis pulp and sweat briefly (not too long and not too hot, otherwise bitter substances will develop). Gradually extinguish with red wine and reduce and finally fill up with veal stock and reduce heartily again. The resulting jus through a straining cloth form and cook repeatedly until the desired mass. Finally, season with turnip greens, balsamic vinegar and salt and bind (mount) with cold butter flakes.

For the chestnut pancakes, mix flour, milk, whipping cream and chestnut flour to a smooth batter, add the remaining ingredients and season vigorously with salt and freshly ground pepper. Bake 4 narrow crepe-like pancakes in a frying pan with oil.

For the potato terrine, squeeze the potatoes through a potato ricer and pass them through a whisk. Add the remaining ingredients except for the truffles and season to taste. Line baking dish with aluminum foil and fill halfway with potato mixture, then top with truffle slices and fill with remaining potato mixture. Cover with the aluminum foil and close the baking dish tightly. Fill a roaster halfway with boiling water, place the casserole dish in it, close the roaster and cook in a heated oven at 100 degrees top and bottom heat for 45 minutes.

For the poultry

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