Germ Butter Dough 5472

Rating: 4.5 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Other titles: Germlaetterteig Plunderteig

Dampfl: In lukewarm milk, roll in yeast and stir until smooth. Knead with sifted flour, dissolved or cold salt, egg yolk, butter and vanilla on the board to a firmer but smooth dough.

Shape into a ball, score crosswise (to the center of the dough) and rest in the refrigerator or even better in the freezer until the butter brick is ready.

Butter brick: Mix 400 g of precooled butter briefly with 50 g of flour and shape into a square brick.

Beat in the butter brick and tour: On a flour-dusted board, roll out the cross-cut dampfl in a star shape, place the butter brick in the center of this piece of dough, and fold the 4 flaps of dough over the butter brick. Then, using a rolling pin, flatten evenly from the center out to all sides and roll out to a rectangle the height of a finger. Next, fold in three parts on top of each other (easy tour): to do this, divide the rectangle into 3 evenly sized parts, first fold the left third, then the right third over the two parts already folded together. Thus, seen in section, alternate 4 layers of steam and 3 layers of butter dough. Rest this block of dough in the refrigerator for 15 min.

Processing and baking: The dough is wrapped in plastic or in a damp Geschirrhangl and placed in the refrigerator or freezer for 1/2 hour to rest.

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