Housewives Herring Salad

Rating: 2.5556 / 5.00 (18 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



For the housewives herring salad, first boil the potatoes in plenty of water until al dente, then strain and let cool slightly. In the meantime, strain the herring from the jar and cut into bite-sized pieces and place in a large bowl.

Wash the apples well, core them and cut them into fine cubes, strain the beans, peel the somewhat cooled potatoes and cut them into bite-sized cubes. Add apple cubes, beans and potato cubes to the bowl.

Mix cream with crème fraîche, mustard and mayonnaise and pour over salad. Season the herring salad with salt and pepper.

Preparation Tip:

You can also change the color of the traditional housewives herring salad, for example, with cranberries, beet or curry.

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