Lettuce Risotto – Basis Tip Pot

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Lettuce pueree:


Heat oil or fat add onions, finely chopped, garlic clove, finely chopped add round grain rice (Vialone, Arborio). Immediately turn down to low heat, stirring throughout until soft Soup, (instant) deglaze. Make on low heat. Cooking time 15 to 20 min Stir from time to time.

Chief lettuce, dark leaves only Blanch lettuce leaves in boiling hot salted water for 1 to 2 min. Lift out, rinse in iced water. Drain lettuce leaves well. Chop coarsely and puree. Fry bacon in a pan without adding fat until crispy.

Stir the cold butter into the risotto in flakes. Mix in the lettuce puree. Season with salt. Pour risotto into deep plates. Cut Parmesan into fine shavings with a peeler, garnish with fried bacon and Parmesan.

Our tip: Use a bacon with a strong flavor – this will give this dish a special touch!

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