Meatballs on Pineapple, Maah Hoo – Thailand

Rating: 2.5556 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



One recipe is enough for 4 to 6 people.

Cut the head and tail end of the crayfish tails into small pieces, remove the shell from the body, score the back and remove the thin intestines. Rinse and dry crab tails and chop into small pieces.

Heat oil in a frying pan and cook crayfish tails and mince over medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes until all water that has escaped has evaporated. set aside.

Crush peanuts in mortar.

Skin garlic, rinse cilantro, shake dry, pluck leaves and set aside. Crush garlic, cilantro stalks and pepper in mortar.

Heat palm sugar in a small saucepan until it becomes viscous. Add garlic paste, stir well. Add minced meat, chopped crab tails, peanuts and salt, simmer gently for 25 to 30 minutes until thick. Cool.

Peel pineapple, cut out the brown eyes, cut fruit into eighths lengthwise. Remove the hard stem and cut the eighths into bite-sized pieces. Place pineapple pieces on a large platter, form mince-meat-crab tail mixture into small balls, place on top of pineapple pieces and garnish with cilantro leaves.

Take orange fillets.

Here is an information about pineapple in Thai cuisine:

Originally from South America, this fruit has been native to Thailand for centuries and thrives exceptionally well in the sandy soil along the coast i

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