Men’s Mushroom and Potato Salad with Bresaola

Rating: 3.8889 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Preparation time:


A delicious mushroom dish for any occasion!

1. potatoes in their skins in salted water 20-25 min. not too soft. Drain, steam and peel while warm.

Cool potatoes and cut in half lengthwise. Clean mushrooms, halve or quarter the larger ones. Finely dice tomatoes and figs and mix with balsamic vinegar, juice of one lemon, 5 tbsp. olive oil, salt, 1 pinch of sugar and pepper. Rinse and clean the arugula. Cut goat cheese into small pieces.

2. roast potatoes in the remaining oil at high temperature in a large frying pan until golden brown. Add men’s mushrooms and fry for about 3 min. Extinguish with salad dressing, remove from heat and cool a little. Arrange with arugula, basil leaves and bresaola. Portion by portion, evenly distribute the goat cheese on top.

Bresaola … a northern Italian specialty Bresaola is exceptionally appreciated in northern Italy and Tuscany.

The mildly cured and air-dried beef is exceptionally tender in texture and is sliced paper-thin before serving. You can get it in Italian stores.

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