Monkfish Ceviche with Mussels and Mango

Rating: 3.254 / 5.00 (126 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For monkfish ceviche with mussels and mango, first cut monkfish into 1 cm thick slices. Grate the lemon and lime peel and mix with the brown sugar, a little salt, olive oil, lemon and lime juice. Cover the fish with this and marinate in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.

Peel carrot with a peeler and cut into fine strips (just keep peeling with the peeler). Salt and let marinate for about 5 minutes. Peel the mango and cut off the fillets around the core, then cut into thin strips. Pluck chervil and chop coarsely, add to carrots with mango and mix.

Check mussels, use only closed ones! In a heated pan, bring the white wine to a boil, add the mussels, cover and let sit for 1 minute until the mussels open. Add a little salt and set aside.

Drain fish well, arrange on plates with the carrot-mango salad and mussels. Serve monkfish ceviche with mussels and mango sprinkled with a little sesame seeds and curry powder garnished with fresh chervil.

Preparation Tip:

Fresh white bread goes well with monkfish ceviche with mussels and mango.

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