Plum or Damson Sorbet

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)




Rinse the plums or damsons, halve them, remove the seeds and cut them into slices.

Put wine, preserving sugar and juice of one lemon in a medium frying pan. Add vanilla and let the whole thing bubble up. Pour in the plums or damsons and soften, uncovered, for about five minutes.

If a vanilla pod was used, remove it. Then finely grind everything together. Pour into a sufficiently large bowl and cool.

Freeze the cooled sorbet mixture in the freezer for one and a half to 120 minutes, but do not freeze completely solid.

At the same time, place dessert glasses in the freezer as well.

For the compote, rinse the plums or damsons, halve, pit and cut into wedges.

Bring the wine, jelling sugar and cinnamon stick to a boil and bubble for a minute. Then pour in the fruit and cook until just barely tender. Pour into a large enough bowl and cool.

To serve, pour the compote into the iced glasses. Mix the sorbet briefly with the whisks of a hand mixer, fill into a piping bag and pipe onto the compote. Serve immediately.

Tip If the sorbet is frozen hard, place it in the refrigerator for a minute and a half to 120 minutes before serving, and it will repeatedly become perfectly creamy. Never thaw at room temperature, otherwise the outer layer will be thawed but the inside will still be completely frozen.

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