Plum-Poppy Seed Dumplings with Powidl

Rating: 3.925 / 5.00 (40 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



For the plum-poppy seed dumplings, mix the curd, egg and flour. Add the oil and knead until the dough separates well from the edge of the bowl.

Let dough rest a bit, then form the dumplings with the plums in the center. Place them in lightly simmering water and let them steep until they float to the surface (at least 20 minutes).

Melt vegetable margarine and mix grated poppy seeds with it. Toss the finished dumplings in it. Arrange on plates and sprinkle with cinnamon and possibly powdered sugar.

Serve the plum-poppy seed dumplings with powid.

Preparation Tip:

Plum dumplings can be prepared all year round with frozen plums, adding the plums as frozen to the curd mixture.

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