Quince Blinds

Rating: 2.7143 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



A great cake recipe for any occasion:

Peel and core the quinces and cut into fine cubes or slices. Steam together with the lemon peel in white wine until just cooked. Mix the quinces without liquid with the remaining ingredients, cool. Roll out half of the puff pastry 2 mm thick and cut 4 squares of 15 cm sides, place on an oven tray.

Spread the filling evenly on the pastry squares, leaving 2 cm border all around. Roll out the remaining dough, cut squares 2 cm larger and make incisions. Brush the edges of the lower dough pieces with egg white and carefully place the cut squares on top. Cleanly cut the edges all around again. Brush with egg yolk.

Bake: Approx. 20 min. in the middle of the oven heated to 200 °C.

Tip: Dust the louvers with powdered sugar, fill the incisions with a little bit of warmed quince jelly.

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