Rabbit Meatballs with Pumpkin Dip

Rating: 3.4286 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 12.0 (servings)



Carefully bone the rabbit legs and remove the large tendons. Cut the meat into coarse pieces and turn once through the middle disc of the meat grinder. Mix with the pork fat and put to cool.

Cut the dried apples into fine cubes. Rinse the orange with hot water and finely grate the peel. Peel the garlic and press it through a press. Pluck and chop the marjoram and rosemary. Add the egg and the Calvados to the meat and mix thoroughly. Season with salt and pepper.

Form 24 small, oblong meat loaves from the meat mixture. Leave to cool again.

Squeeze the orange and measure out 3 tablespoons of juice. Roast pumpkin seeds in a frying pan without fat while swirling light brown, cool a little and chop. put a quarter of the seeds aside for garnish. Remaining pumpkin seed oil, seeds, orange juice, sour cream or crème fraiche and yogurt stir until smooth. Season with salt and pepper.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and roast the meatballs in 2 portions over medium heat for 10 minutes until golden brown. Arrange the meatballs on a plate. Dip with the chopped pumpkin seeds sprinkle and bring to the table with the Fleischlaberl.

Tip: Use creamy natural yogurt for an even finer result!

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