Rocket Melde Casserole

Rating: 2.6739 / 5.00 (46 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For the rocket and melder casserole, wash and sort the rocket and melder. Blanch the cleaned vegetables very briefly in boiling salted water. Pour them into a sieve and let them cool down a bit.

In the meantime, beat the eggs until foamy, stir in the curd cheese and the flour and add 2-3 tablespoons of liquid whipped cream. Grate the Parmesan cheese. Stir half of the Parmesan into the egg mixture.

The washed, cleaned, coarsely chopped herbs, salt, pepper and chili powder also stir into the mixture. Now grease and crumble an ovenproof dish.

Pour in half of the mixture, spread the vegetables on top, pour the second half of the mixture on top, smooth it out. Mix the remaining Parmesan and Emmental and sprinkle on top.

Cook covered at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes, then remove the lid and bake for another 10 minutes or so, until the cheese is golden brown.

Preparation Tip:

If you do not have rocket and / or melde, you can take vegetable mallow or spinach or chard. The rocket-melde casserole can be refined with some finely chopped garlic.

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