Roll Roast

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (14 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (Portionen)



Roll roast apart and score once or twice so that meat can be separated into the largest possible slab. For the stuffing, rinse mushroom thoroughly, cut into leaves. Peel and finely dice garlic. Fold both ingredients into the mushroom egg and mince. Season the mixture with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Season the rolled roast on both sides with paprika, pepper, salt and thyme, spread the stuffing and cheese evenly on it, carefully roll up the meat and wrap it with spaghetti. Heat the oil in the Kelomat, brown the roll roast in it, add red wine and water, close the Kelomat and only then move the cooking regulator to level 2. When enough steam has escaped (after 1 minute), after the 2nd ring appears cook, remove the cooking pot from the heat, pull back the regulator gradually and open the cooking pot. Take the meat out of the cooking liquid, cover it with aluminum foil and let it stand for a while, remove the spaghetti, cut the meat into slices and arrange it on a heated plate. For the sauce, boil the liquid, thicken with crème fraîche, season strongly with salt and freshly ground pepper and offer with the meat.


Preparation in a roasting tube is not as labor intensive.

Our tip: use sweet red wine for a sweet note and rather dry wine for flavor-intensive, spicy

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