Sheep Cheese with Fried Tomatoes

Rating: 4.5 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 15 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)




For the feta cheese with fried tomatoes strain anchovies, mix with the egg yolk, add mustard, chopped garlic and salt and pepper. Mix in oil drop by drop and stir to make a spicy mayonnaise. Add finely chopped herbs.

Quickly fry tomatoes on both sides in olive oil. Brown the onions in the oil.

Now place the fried tomatoes on plates with the onions. Put feta cheese on top and cover with dressing.

Serve the feta cheese with fried tomatoes lukewarm with toasted bread.

Preparation Tip:

For sheep cheese with fried tomatoes, use high quality extra virgin olive oil for a particularly delicate taste!

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