Spicy Puff Pastry Buns

Rating: 3.5899 / 5.00 (834 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 20.0 (servings)



Mix all the ingredients together well.

Spread the puff pastry with the filling, leaving the edges free.

Roll up the puff pastry on the long side. Now put the puff pastry roll in the freezer for a short time, you can then more easily cut down thin slices.

In the meantime, preheat the oven to 200 °C hot air.

Remove the puff pastry roll from the freezer and cut it into slices about 2 cm thick.

Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper, leaving enough space, because the puff pastry still rises nicely.

Bake the puff pastry buns for about 15 minutes until they have a nice browning.

Preparation Tip:

Spicy puff pastry buns are great as a hot or cold appetizer or even as fingefood for your party.

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