Strawberries in Almond Paste

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Baking dough:

To finish:


For the sauce, rinse, clean and halve the strawberries. Crush with the sugar and set aside.

For the dough, whisk the milk, almond kernels, flour and egg yolks until smooth. Melt the butter and stir it in.

Whip the egg whites with the salt until stiff. Next, gradually sift in the sugar while stirring and continue beating until you have a glossy, fine-pored mixture. Fold the snow exactly into the almond paste.

To finish, rinse the strawberries and remove the stem to taste. Pat dry with paper towels.

In a small pan, heat frying oil to four to five inches high or use a deep fryer. Place one strawberry at a time on a wooden skewer through the stem, pull through the batter and slide into the hot fat using a fork. Bake in two to three minutes until golden brown, drain on kitchen roll and serve warm or cooled with the strawberry sauce.

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