Stuffed Gingerbread Doughnuts with Powidl

Rating: 3.5859 / 5.00 (128 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour


To coat:

For the dough:

For the filling:


For the filled gingerbread doughnuts with Powidl, mix all dough ingredients together, knead into a dough and let rest overnight at room temperature.

Meanwhile, for the powidl filling, knead the powidl with the ground almonds, powdered sugar and a dash of rum and chill the mixture.

Roll out the gingerbread dough to a thickness of 5mm and cut out round shapes. Form small round balls from the plum mixture and place a ball in the center of each half of the gingerbread circles and press down lightly. Close with a second dough circle, as when making ravioli, brush with the egg white and bake in the oven at 180 °C until light brown.

Dip the filled gingerbread dumplings with Powidl already cooled down in chocolate glaze.

Preparation Tip:

Always store filled gingerbread doughnuts with powidl, as well as fruit bread, tightly closed so that they do not dry out.

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