Stuffed Minced Roast

Rating: 3.7701 / 5.00 (87 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour


For frying:


For the stuffed minced roast, soak the soy cutlets in water for about 5-10 minutes.Soak the breadcrumbs, squeeze well and pass through the whisk.Finely dice the onions and roast lightly.Prepare minced mixture, add squeezed soy cutlets and season.Peel the carrots and yellow beetroot and blanch briefly.Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.. On a damp work surface, shape mince into a rectangle and top with leeks, carrots and yellow turnip, roll tightly and place in an ovenproof greased dish.Steam stuffed minced roast for about 40 minutes (after about 15 minutes, add soup or water and pour juice over roast in between).Slice minced roast and serve with natural juice.

Preparation Tip:

To make the roast hold together better, you can roll it in a pork net, then you don't need to use oil for frying.

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