Tarte Flambée with Tuna

Rating: 3.093 / 5.00 (43 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the dough:


For the tarte flambée with tuna, first prepare the dough. For this, mix flour with water, salt and oil and then knead into a dough. Let rest briefly.

In the meantime, cut the onion into fine rings, drain and chop the tuna.

Now roll out the dough thinly, spread with crème fraiche, top with onion rings and tuna.

Bake the tarte flambée with tuna at 200 °C bottom and top heat for approx. 15 minutes.

Preparation Tip:

Flambé with tuna to taste with olives and capers.

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