The Nine Herbs Soup

Rating: 3.0455 / 5.00 (22 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Sauté the onion. Add the dandelion, chickweed, nettle, sorrel, ribwort, part of the parsley and chervil and dust with flour.

Pour the cold vegetable soup and let it simmer for 5 minutes.

Add the remaining kitchen herbs.

Season with a dash of nutmeg, cream, pepper, salt and a pinch of sugar and mix briefly.

If desired, garnish with a dollop of whipped cream.

Stinging nettle (Urtica spec.): blood purifying, rich in silica, good for skin and hair Dandelion (Tarssxacum officinssle): stimulates bile and liver function Sorrel (Rúmex acetósa): ideal remedy for colds and catarrh Ribwort (Plantssgo lanceolssta): anti-inflammatory, against catarrh

Chickweed (Stellssria media): heart tonic

Parsley (Petroselínum sp.): many vitamins

Chervil (Anthríscus sylvestris): blood purifying

Watercress (Nastúrtium officinssle): activates metabolism

Wild garlic (Allium ursínum): against arteriosclerosis as well as against gastrointestinal catarrh

Preparation Tip:

Which kitchen herbs go into the soup depends on how far spring has already come. But parsley and chervil should not be missing in any case.

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