Turtle Brioche

Rating: 3.7203 / 5.00 (118 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour




For the turtle brioche, first knead the condensed milk, milk, egg, egg white, flour, yeast, sugar and salt. Then knead in the butter. If the mixture is still too wet, add a little more flour. Cover and let rise in a greased bowl for at least 1 hour.

Line 1-2 baking sheets with baking paper.

Depending on how large you want the turtles to be, shape the dough into several larger balls for the body and equal numbers of slightly smaller balls for the head. Use the remaining dough to form four small balls for the feet of each turtle. Place the turtles on the baking sheet and let them rest, covered, for about 45 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Beat the egg. Brush the turtle brioche with the egg and press 2 flax seeds into the head ball for the eyes. Place in the oven for about 20 minutes.

To the matching recipe video.

Preparation Tip:

For example, the eyes of the turtle brioche can also be made with raisins or caraway seeds.

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