Uhudler Foam with Honey Brittle

Rating: 3.75 / 5.00 (60 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the brittle:


Sauté the chopped shallots with sugar in hot butter. Pour in Uhudler and port wine and reduce by a third. Pour in juice and stock, add bay leaf and again reduce over high heat to about 1 liter. Bind with the raw grated potato. Remove bay leaf, blend soup and strain as needed. Season to taste with salt, nutmeg and white pepper. Stir in mascarpone and thicken soup with it. For the brittle, mix hazelnuts, sugar, egg whites and honey and let stand for 1 hour. Spread the filo pastry, divide into four strips (2 x 15 cm each), brush with butter and apply filling. Roll up, butter again on the outside and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake in preheated oven at 220 °C for 10 minutes until crispy. Serve soup in warmed plates, sprinkle with a little cinnamon and add the crispy pastry sheet.

Preparation Tip:

Uhudler is a direct carrier variety typical of southern Burgenland and especially of the area around Heiligenbrunner Kellergasse, made from American rootstock vines introduced to Europe after the phylloxera disaster of the 19th century. It usually tastes a bit like wild strawberries and is also known as Rabiatperle - a characteristic it admittedly cannot develop in this recipe, as the alcohol completely evaporates during cooking. Uhudler, by the way, can also be replaced by Schilcher or Rosé.

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