Venison Steaks with Apple Fig Sauce

Rating: 2.8889 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


French fries duchesse:


45 min, elaborate Sauté the steaks in clarified butter, season with salt and pepper, then set aside in a warm place and pull.

Cut figs into leaves. Dice the majority of the apple, cut a small remainder into leaves for the garnish.

Roast the fig jam in the roast residue, deglaze with soy sauce, apple balsamic vinegar and a little chicken stock. Season with juniper, pepper, salt, nutmeg and cinnamon. The steaks repeatedly briefly in the sauce form and pull. Finally, thicken the sauce by stirring in cold pieces of iced butter (assemble)).

For the Pommes Duchesse:

Make potatoes and strain while still hot. Mix in butter and yolks, season with salt and nutmeg (freshly grated). Fill into a piping bag, spread on a baking tray (approx. 4-5 cm ø) and bake in the oven at top heat 200-220 degrees for approx. 10 min.

Serve the venison steaks with the sauce and the Pommes Duchesse, garnish with figs and apples.

Tip: For refinement you can add a little bit of truffle oil to the Pommes Duchesse before baking.


By the way, did you know that clarified butter is made by extracting water, milk protein and lactose from butter?

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