Whole Roasted Salmon Wrapped with Herbs

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



Whole roasted salmon wrapped in herbs and newspaper

This recipe is exceptionally suitable for parties, It is a good way to roast a wholefish, especially salmon or possibly trout, It is best done over a campfire, on a broiler or possibly in a charcoal oven, because the coking paper gives the fish a subtle smoked flavor, You can still get good results in a conventional oven, but the newspaper will not turn as black in it as over the campfire.

If more than six people want to join you for dinner : just take a bigger salmon, more kitchen herbs, more newspaper and cook the fish a little longer.

Buy a fresh salmon, season it inside and out, grate it with olive oil and fill it with half of the kitchen herbs. Fold the newspaper in half and place the salmon on top. Next, add the lemon slices, scallions. Fennel seeds and remaining culinary herbs over and likewise under the salmon spread. Drizzle with a little olive oil, fold the sides of the newspaper and wrap the fish tightly in it, tying it well with plenty of string.

Moisten the package thoroughly under the tap, then bake either on the top rack of the oven heated to 220 °C for 35 minutes or, even better, on the charcoal grill or a campfire grate for about 25 minutes on each side – depending on how strong you want it.

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