Wild Garlic Soup with Fried Prawns and Tomato Confit

Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Let the veal bones bubble up once in hot water, then rinse with cold water. Now put the veal bones with cold water and chopped celery, leek and carrots. Cut the onions in half and brown them nicely on the stove top with aluminum foil. Add the brown onion to the clear soup with the bay leaf, clove and juniper.

Season the clear soup heavily with salt and freshly ground pepper, lightly for about 2 hours. Then strain.

Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the flour form and stir through. Add the clear soup and refine with whipped cream. Season with salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg. Mix the wild garlic with a little olive oil and add to the soup just before serving (for color).

Remove the prawns from their shells and remove the intestines. Later sauté them in a hot frying pan with olive oil and thyme. Cook in the oven at 140 °C.

Score the tomatoes and boil them briefly in hot water. Then rinse them and remove the skin. Cut them into quarters and remove the core. Cut the tomato tongues into small cubes and marinate them with salt and pepper. Add a little plucked thyme and olive oil. Add to the finished soup bowl as a garnish, together with a little whipped cream and finished prawns.

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