Yogurt Making – Hobbythek

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Total time: 5 min


Grundrez. Cream yoghurt:

Sweet Frusip yogurt:

Ballast yogurt:

Raspberry Oat Yogurt:

Seed yogurt:


Inulin and oligofructose are aids for the intestinal flora.

So-called “probiotic” yogurts contain live strains of bacteria that are supposed to survive stomach acid and improve the intestinal flora. Disadvantage: very expensive!

“Probiotic” yogurt homemade, e.g. in a commercial yogurt maker. If possible, use small probiotic yogurt cups as a starter so that leftovers are stored only for a short time.

The basic recipe:

Mix the probiotic yogurt into the UHT cow’s milk or possibly the boiled, cool cow’s milk, sweeten with 8-10 tablets of Lightsüss Ht if necessary, leave in the yogurt maker for 10-12 h.

Basic recipe Krem yogurt:

Mix inulin Oligofruct and Ht Ht into 200 ml heated cow’s milk, sweeten with 8-10 tablets Lightsüss Ht if necessary. Add 800 ml of cold UHT cow’s milk, then add the tbsp probiotic yogurt and leave in the yogurt maker for 10-12 hrs.

Sweetened Frusip yogurt:

Mix the sweetened basic recipe yogurt with the frusip.

Ballast yogurt:

Mix the basic recipe yogurt with the plum ballast Ht and the oat crispies neatly.

Raspberry Oat Yogurt:

Neatly mix the homemade crem yogurt with frusip oat bran and raspberry.

Seed Mix Yogurt:

Mix cream yogurt with seed mixture Ht and put it in yogurt maker for 10-12 hrs.

Tip: The higher the fat content in the yogurt, the more flavorful and creamy the result!

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